Learn About the Commitment of Rehoboth

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It is my privilege to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of Rehoboth CDC. As co-founder, I am continually seeking out advancements of the mission and vision of this wonderful work.

Rehoboth CDC's 18-year journey is dotted with wonderful experiences even more wonderful, the individuals met along the way.

I'm excited that you've taken a moment to visit here today and my hope is that you are inspired and ignited into action towards the beautiful work of community development.

Our Mission:

Rehoboth Community Development Corporation (RCDC) exists to Create Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities that impact and build inter-generational prosperity within Urban Phoenix and Canyon Corridor Neighborhoods (I-17 to 43rd Ave and Indian School to Dunlap Roads) in partnership with stakeholders to improve the quality of life for low to-moderate income people.

RCDC is recognized as a leader and convener in shaping and promoting collaborative planning and relationships that build stronger communities. Our programs focus on acquiring, rehabbing, and developing affordable housing and commercial real estate, stimulating business and job creation, and delivering community and youth services.

Compelled to Commitment, Compassion and Collaboration

This is the pledge we give to you, the community! We are committed to the opportunity of service to you - in seeing that justice prevails. Commitment to celebrate the cultural and social diversity of Phoenix's residents and give voice to your cares and aspirations.

In all we do, we pledge to do so with compassion, that distinguishing factor of how and why we work in the community. With compassion as the fueling resource, we move forward in integrity, transparency, and fairness in our pursuit to increase social and economic justice.

Join us in the work; we pledge to work in collaboration with residents, non-profit organizations, private companies, and elected officials. Partnerships and collaboration are the adopted model of operation for the community work we engage in.

Community is best and most effectively enriched when we come together; we believe in working models of collaborative's, alliances, and coalitions.

The power of many voices united gives strength to community efforts and initiatives.

Through our collective power, we will achieve strong and healthy communities.

We are proud partners and friends with other distinguished organizations.

Stories of the lives of those who have felt our impact

Home Rehabilitation

In the corner of the living room stood an attractive and well decorated Christmas tree, along with a meticulously organized coffee table. The Christmas tree lights paled in comparison to the twinkle in Abby’s eyes. The sparkle of joy came from owning her first home this Christmas. Her smile was as warm as a Christmas fireplace.

She’s also a very speedy decorator; Abby received the keys to her new home on Friday and on this crisp December Monday afternoon, her dining table was garnished with pine cones and poinsettias and the walls were framed just perfectly with family photos.

Those photos were of Abby’s husband, Raul, who was at work that afternoon, and her two daughters in school. Valeri is 9 and Yoselin is 6. Even though their new home offers separate bedrooms, the two sisters still share one room. Her beautiful home is in the same neighborhood, affording the sisters to stay in the same school with their friends.

Seeing Abby’s comfort and gratitude for being home for Christmas was the perfect Christmas gift for Rehoboth. During this time of celebration, Abby and Raul’s family will celebrate 10 years of marriage and the achievement of two years of looking for and desiring to purchase their very own home.

Congratulations to their family, and we hope that Abby’s Christmas tamales turn out just as beautiful as her new home every year.

Contact Us


P.O. Box 57601 • Phoenix, AZ 85079

A Ministry of Rehoboth Saints Center, Inc. - a 501(c)3 nonprofit

© 2023 Rehoboth Community Development Corporation