Rehoboth CDC partners with the IRS and volunteers to provide free tax preparation services for low and moderate-income, disabled, limited-English speakers, and senior individuals and families. Volunteers are IRS Tax Law certified and trained to provide the best quality tax preparation services.Taxpayers interested in this service must earn less than $67,000 to be eligible. Other limitations apply.
Photo identification - taxpayer and spouse
Social Security Cards or ITIN documents for all members of the household
Proof of income - W-2 and 1099 Forms, self-employment records, and tips
Pensions Form 1099-R, Social Security Statement Form 1099-SSA, Sale of stocks & bonds Form 1099-B
Interest - Form 1099-INT and dividend statements from banks - 1099-DIV
Unemployment Statement (1099-G)
Other information - mortgage statement, medical expenses, receipts for property
taxes, and charitable contributions
Affordable Care Act healthcare statement - Forms 1095-A
Total paid to daycare provider and their tax ID number
Other information - home interest, property taxes, medical expenses, and charitable contributions
Form 1098-T - tuition payment statement
Direct deposit information - account number and bank routing number
A copy of the 2023 tax return
For married filing joint, both spouses must be present
Any letter received from the IRS or the State of Arizona Department of Revenue
Self-file and get help when you need
Income limitation
Program Dates and Times
January 25 - April 12, 2025
Saturdays 9 AM - 12 noon
Thursdays 4 PM - 7PM
Fridays 12 Noon - 2:30 PM
Rehoboth Place Apartments 2650 W. Hazelwood Street Phoenix, AZ 85017
Program Details:
First come, first served basis
No appointments available and all services are free
Depending on the availability of volunteers, the process takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, although it may take longer.
What to expect:
The taxpayer will complete the intake form.
A second volunteer will review, finalize, and explain the return to the taxpayer.
The taxpayer will sign the return.
The return will be e-filed or the taxpayer will receive instructions on how to mail the return.
A Ministry of Rehoboth Saints Center, Inc. - a 501(c)3 nonprofit
© 2023 Rehoboth Community Development Corporation